The "Depolarization Activism for Resilient Europe" is a strategic partnership for developing innovative, creative educational materials for use in non-formal and formal civic education, in both online and face-to-face contexts. All the educational materials will seek to foster civic engagement and activism among young people by addressing topics (e. g. radicalisation, exclusion, racism, xenophobia, homophobia, discrimination) that undermine European values. This way, educators will contribute to building an open, tolerant, and inclusive Europe.
In the first stage of the strategic partnership, a working group consisting of experienced educators is going to develop the educational materials. In the second stage, there are planned several training events to make teachers, educators, non-formal education specialists, and youth workers familiar with them, so that they will be able to use them in their educational activities.
The intended educational materials include:
- an educator's guide to depolarization,
- "DARE to Care" short educational interview videos with accompanying lesson plans,
- "Modern Challenges" animated/graphics educational videos with accompanying lesson plans,
- a set of European Values educational cards,
- a radicalisation awareness training scheme.
Project duration
The strategic partnership started in December 2021 and will end in September 2023.
HERMES, Croatia (lead)
Otvorena Komunikacija (Open Communication), Serbia
Mreza Zapadnog Balkana (Western Balkans Network), Bosnia and Herzegovina
Transform, Sweden