The youth ecounter has various focal points, including music, art, circus or film. It takes place several times a year and is translated into all languages.
Partners and Sponsors
Poland: Krzyżowa Foundation for European Understanding, OSTOJA, OSW Swidnica, Walim, MOW Mrowiny, GIMN 3 Glogow, Zespół Szkół Specjalnych Nr 101 in Warsaw
Germany: ALO Berlin, Aktion Sühnezeichen Friedensdienste, August-Wilhelm-Mende-Schule Bebra, Berufliche Schulen Bad Hersfeld, Erich-Kästner-Schule Düsseldorf, Förderzentrum Weimar
Czech Republic: Dêtské Centrum Paprsek, Kinderzentrum Rodowitz, Tangram
Slovakia: Evangelische Diakonie, SSIN Zilina
Austria: Steierische Behindertenhilfe, Lebenshilfe Radkersburg, Mosaik GmbH
Denmark: Egmont Skolen
Turkey: MNUM Istanbul
England: Norfolk International Projects
Hungary: Szabad Tér Egyesület Förderer
Kofinanziert wird das Projekt durch das EU-Programm Erasmus+.
There are really no obstacles to getting together with other people to do something: painting, dancing, playing, laughing... You don't need any special or universal language for that. All you need is the desire and then it just happens somehow. More important is a willingness to engage with each other. With that, you can play Uno, football, or even rap with deaf people from Hungary or the Czech Republic.
– one of the project participants