

Meet us at Cafe Kyiv 2025!

„Freedom must win“: Under this motto, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung and various partners are organising „Cafe Kyiv“ for the third time on 11th March 2025. Read more


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About us

The Kreisau-Initiative gives space for education and encounter in which particularly young people can gain the skills they need to shape European society that is characterised by democracy, solidarity, and sustainability. Our educational activities revolve around the areas of contemporary history and human rights, inclusion, and social-ecological transformation.
Our work has got a European character with a focus on Polish-German cooperation. Its first core is international inclusive youth exchange programmes, the second – training courses, seminars and conferences for educators and people who work with youngsters. The majority of our events take place in Krzyżowa, Poland. Read more

If you would like to find out more about the Kreisau-Initiative or receive information about upcoming projects, workshops and special insights into our work, please subscribe to our newsletter. Every three months, we give an overview of interesting news and events.


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