Building Bridges



DE, PL + 2 x EU

The inclusive and international project "Building Bridges" brings together young people with and without disabilities.

The youth ecounter has various focal points, including music, art, circus or film. It takes place several times a year and is translated into all languages.

Partners and Sponsors

Poland: Krzyżowa Foundation for European Understanding, OSTOJA, OSW Swidnica, Walim, MOW Mrowiny, GIMN 3 Glogow, Zespół Szkół Specjalnych Nr 101 in Warsaw
Germany: ALO Berlin, Aktion Sühnezeichen Friedensdienste, August-Wilhelm-Mende-Schule Bebra, Berufliche Schulen Bad Hersfeld, Erich-Kästner-Schule Düsseldorf, Förderzentrum Weimar
Czech Republic: Dêtské Centrum Paprsek, Kinderzentrum Rodowitz, Tangram
Slovakia: Evangelische Diakonie, SSIN Zilina
Austria: Steierische Behindertenhilfe, Lebenshilfe Radkersburg, Mosaik GmbH
Denmark: Egmont Skolen
Turkey: MNUM Istanbul
England: Norfolk International Projects
Hungary: Szabad Tér Egyesület Förderer

Kofinanziert wird das Projekt durch das EU-Programm Erasmus+.

There are really no obstacles to getting together with other people to do something: painting, dancing, playing, laughing... You don't need any special or universal language for that. All you need is the desire and then it just happens somehow. More important is a willingness to engage with each other. With that, you can play Uno, football, or even rap with deaf people from Hungary or the Czech Republic.

– one of the project participants

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