PartESDD achieves effects on several levels: It enables the four partner organizations to cooperate intensively as "network of neighbours" and on a long-term basis, which contributes to the strengthening of the European network. Within the thematic area of sustainability and Degrowth, the project supports an intensified exchange of experience and good practice, also between educational actors and activists, with the aim of further qualification, professionalization and networking. It enriches the educational landscape in this area with innovative components through concrete offers, especially in the Czech Republic, where such offers are hardly available. In particular, the project aims to better address target groups that have hardly been reached so far, especially in rural areas. At the societal level, the Strategic Partnership contributes to effective action for climate justice, environmental protection and social justice in the partner countries and throughout Europe.
Project activities
- The Methodological Handbook ESD and Degrowth Education in Czech language is the result of a collaborative process of screening, testing, selection according to needs and culturally sensitive adaptation to the needs of educational work in the Czech Republic.
- The manual "ESD and Degrowth Education in Intercultural Contexts" explains for the first time systematically and in an easily understandable way which particularities in terms of methodology, guidance and language use need to be taken into account in culturally sensitive educational work in the field of sustainability education.
- Two 5-day learning, teaching and training activities make decisive contributions to the participatory development of the project publications. At the same time, they are optimal opportunities for competence development through learning from each other and transnational networking among educationalists and activists.
- Multiplier events in each partner country make more than 100 people aware of the project results and make an important contribution to their dissemination.
- Regular management meetings guarantee a professional project implementation and an intensive exchange between the partners.
Target groups
The project is primarily aimed at professionals in non-formal education and youth meetings as well as activists in the fields of ESD, Degrowth Education and socio-ecological transformation from Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic. They are multipliers who implement educational work as trainers, facilitators, youth education officers and teachers, or are activists for social improvements. The contexts of their commitment are diverse, and some of the activists are themselves still young people.
Fundacja Krzyżowa dla Porozumienia Europejskiego, Krzyżowa (PL)
Ekumenická Akademie, Prag (CZ)
RESET: Platforma pro sociálně-ekologickou transformaci, Prag (CZ)
Walking the Path Less Travelled. Collective Steps Towards a Culturally Sensitive Education in the Context of Socio-Ecological Transformation
The anthology presents texts by educators from the project countries Czech Republic, Poland and Germany, dealing with culturally sensitive education for socio-ecological transformation. Essays, reflections, interviews, and methods explore topics such as thoughtful language use, the importance of emotions in educational work, and degrowth in Central and Eastern Europe. In particular, the authors promote a reflective approach to diversity in order to take into account the different life experiences of participants in learning and change processes toward a sustainable world.
A stimulating read for educators in different fields of non-formal education who want to reflect on their (self-)understanding in dealing with others.
Download it for free here.
Odvaha nerůst
Metody neformálního vzdělávání pro sociálně-ekologickou transformaci
A collection of methods from Education for Sustainable Development, Transformative Learning, and Degrowth Education in the Czech language. The basis is the Polish-language handbook, from which methods were selected, supplemented, and adapted to the Czech context in cooperation with partners and other non-formal educators.
You can download the publication for free here.