22. September 2018  |  11:00 – 19:00

JustNow - A Toolbox for Teaching Human Rights


We invite multipliers in the field of youth education to participate in the project "JustNow - A Toolbox for Teaching Human Rights". Together with participants from Germany, Poland, Croatia and the Netherlands we want to develop materials for human rights education. In order to make the abstract subject of human rights accessible to young people and relate it to then own life situations, the toolbox offers different materials for different types of learners.

The Toolbox offers activity plans, exercises and timelines, as well as audiovisual content such as short animation movies which will help young people learn about human rights, diversity, basic democratic values and the rule of law independently or with the help of an educator. With the innovative approach of small-scale learning modules, this Toolbox allows everyone to implement needs-tailored, innovative and engaging educational workshops.

The project is financed by the programme Erasmus+ of the European Union.

Further information and registration

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