Donation campaign for refugees
Every day new fences are being built and every day the temperatures are decreasing. "People with no food or medical care are stumbling through Europe at decreasing temperatures, people with children, people on crutches" – says the European referent of the human rights organization Pro Asyl, Karl Kopp. If this continues, “we have to start counting on more people dying."
The people travelling along the Balkan Route are mainly being helped by volunteers – but these helpers lack the necessary equipment and they cannot be everywhere at the same time.
As the Kreisau-Initiative, in our everyday educational work we encourage people to take part in a dialogue on what constitutes living in dignity. But the more important part of our work is to create spaces in which people express themselves in their diversity and can become politically active. We aim to work towards a Europe of respect and acceptance and with this come closer to the vision of boundless dignity. This crowdfunding campaign is aimed to encourage solidarity with the displaced people on a practical level.
With your donation we will buy thermal blankets that can protect people from the cold and approaching bad weather. The action will be coordinated with experienced helpers. We will cooperate with the initiative "Are You Syrious" from Zagreb, which has more than a hundred mobile volunteers and offers assistance for fugitives across the route from Serbia to Slovenia.